PAWA Umpiring Committee Reminders
Duties and Umpiring
We all know that the host club relies on volunteers and that includes our umpires and timekeepers as scheduled on the draw. It is expected by the PAWA that you show for your scheduled duty and if you can't show up that you find a suitable replacement and notify the host club immediately. Clubs can and will be notified of infringements and penalties can apply for repeat offenders and their clubs.
We would really like everyone to continue to work together to get these jobs and lighten the load for all.
Thanks in advance for your co-operation.
PAWA Umpiring Committee
Horse Welfare
As already pointed out there are new rules surrounding Horse Welfare during games,
Rule 48 – Removal of Spurs or Whip
Any misuse of spurs or whip will result in the removal by the umpire of the spurs or whip to the player AND HORSE concerned for the remainder of the tournament. If the removal instruction has been violated, then the team will be disqualified from the tournament. The umpire/s must notify the Senior Tournament Umpire and the Horse Welfare Officer.
This is to be recorded on the scoresheet by the timekeeper under the direction of the game umpire - umpires please ensure this is completed before departing the field.
Scoresheets and how to use them
The PA scoresheet can be found on our website for use at all carnivals moving forward in 2024 Scoresheet The Official PA Nationals and Event Scoresheet is also here with instructions on how to complete the sheet if there are 7 or 8 man teams - the horse welfare and accident reporting on this is the same as a weekend carnival please read and familiarize yourself with this.
You must as a timekeeper record ALL accident and incidents and umpires you must ensure this is recorded and you sign the scoresheet before you leave the field. All horse welfare issues should be recorded on these scoresheets as well there is space on the back.
My New Gallery

Accident Reporting

It is essential from an insurance point of view that these are recorded on the scoresheet and then if more detail is required on an accident incident report in the host club office.
Without these forms being uploaded and sent in as soon as possible we cant lodge insurance claims
Codes of Conduct
All clubs and members please refresh your knowledge on the expected codes of behaviour as a spectator, umpire, coach and player in the PA 2019 Rulebook pages 6-9
Rules will be enforced for bad behaviour on clubs and individuals, we do not condone the abuse of players spectators or officials it is not in the spirit of our sport!
Read these and become familiar with them please.
My New Gallery


Players remember to take tails down between games to help deter insects and flies and keep your horses comfortable.
Remember to take a bucket of water, sponge and scraper to the end of the field for games to help cool down your horse between chukkas.
Bandages should be removed at the end of your game and bell boots removed overnight. All of these horse welfare topics should be covered by your club Horse Welfare Officer and if you need any help or clarification don't hesitate to contact our State Horse Welfare Officer and Director of Coaching Mandy Marriott.
Horse care between chukkas and games is paramount to our sport - clubs please ensure you educate your members especially those new to our sport
Please also remember as an umpire and player there are no split reins allowed
If you are unsure of the uniform or dress requirements to play a game of polocrosse, please consult page 35/36 of the PA Rulebook